

Join my GIVE AWAY and win the welnesspack!
dress H&M / waistcoat H&M / bag Hello Kitty / thights H&M / wedges musthavefashion

Bonjour lovely readers,
yesterday I went to Enkhuizen. Me, my little sister, my friend and my parents went there to visit my aunt and uncle because they just opened a little B&B in Enkhuizen. It is almost finished so nobody was staying there, yet. Me, my little sister and my friend, from Paris, went on a little tour through Enkhuizen. We ate kibbeling and watched the harbour and ships coming in. We also had a look in the little shopping street, nothing special. We went to the Blokker and got 50 pens for €3,50, the only problem was that we got stuck in the Blokker. So when it was, almost, five o'clock they kicked us out. And that my dear friends was our shopping spree. When we got back we had guests! A boy and girl from Vienna, and they were looking for a place to stay and tadaa, we had a B&B! They were very nice and sat with us until diner, chatting and laughing a lot! It was a marvelous day!

I got my H&M dress in New York. The Hello Kitty bag, it's a see-through bag, is from San Francisco, my cowboy wedges are from Must Have Fashion a little webshop, have a look there and be surprised! I think my wedges are fabulous, and that for only €35! The thights and waistcoat are from Amsterdam, H&M.

My dear friend, Kenza, took all the pictures in the cute harbour of Enkhuizen.
Want to see them? Hit the button below!

Don't forget to join the give away and win!

Enkhuizen, the bridge is open for a ship.

Yummie kibbeling!

Left is Kenza disliking the kibbeling, and on the right my little sister, Isabelle.

My new wallet, it's a pocket of some jeans! I got it from my big sister who got it at a promotion of Levi's. She was there because she is working for CODE, a fashion magazine.

Hope you like the pictures!
Don't forget to join the give away and win!



  1. Dankjewel voor je reactie! Ja he, is een mooi programma!

    Wat een leuke outfit!
    Sorry, ik doe nooit mee met give-aways !


  2. Zo leuk dat jullie gasten uit vienna hadden! Die jurk is echt leuk! Het lijkt op een top en een rokje :)
    Die roze panty's vind ik ook geweldig ^-^

  3. Oeh wat leuk zo'n roze panty!

  4. Oeff die hello kitty tas is echt supersupersuper cute!!!!

  5. Bedankt voor je reactie! love the wedges!
    XX Demi

  6. Je heb een erg leuke blog.
    En dank je wel voor je lieve reactie.

    xoxo Angelique

  7. What a cute bag!! en bedankt voor je reactie xx

  8. you look so beautiful in this outfit <3 !

  9. Anonymous21/8/11 21:10

    bedankt voor je reactie<3
    oh, leuk ! ik zal eens kijken bij je give-away. en ik denk dat ik wel mee ga doen. elkaar volgen ? x

  10. leuk leuk. mijn familie woont daar :) xoxo

  11. wauw leuke foto's! en dat jeans tasje omg i'm in love! wat gaaf zeg dat je zus bij dat tijdschrift werkt!


  12. Anonymous22/8/11 13:50

    Wauw, jou style is leuk! Lief rokje trouwens!

  13. wat een leuke outfit.

  14. This little pocket looks so nice <3

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