
Cd's and Primark

The GIVE AWAY is below this post (:
Bonjour lovely readers,
Well, I told you I was on the radio 2 days ago. And they said I would win a little surprise present. They also said that it would take a couple of weeks before the present would make it to me, but it was already delivered today! And guess what I got, a dvd, The adjustment bureau. Didn't know that movie but I think it will be nice, but they also send me a cd. The hottist gay hits, ahum. Didn't ask for that cd... So I was a little surprised as you can understand that the Tros would send me a gay (three cd's!) cdbox. But as it turned out it is actually quite nice, and funny, dance music with hits from now and from the eighties, or so say my parents...

Today I went to the Primark with my mom and I bought a couple of things, want to know what?
Hit the button below for pictures!
Join the GIVE AWAY, you can win a welnesspackage!

Some yellow thight, I love yellow. And I think that coloured thights are fabulous!
They give your outfit that something extra!

A blue, round scarf. It feels so soft and fluffy I think I will sleep with it on!

A cute dress, it feels like silk on your body, so I think it's very nice!

Did you do something special today?


  1. haha super grappig en leuke aankoopjes!

  2. Leuk ja :3 Op welke radiozender was je dan?

  3. I love the opaque thights!


  4. Super leuke spullen :)

    Liefs " Armani xx

  5. leuke aankoopjes!
    Hhaahhahaha, een homo-cd. ;)
    Dat zou ik inderdaad ook niet verwachten als ik een cadeau zou winnen.


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